Re-Opening of Copperfield

Covid-19 Update: In line with the government guidelines we will be re-opening the shop on the 15th June.

We will have ordered all necessary PPE equipment so that this is on site ready for when we open.

If you have been to our shop you will know that we are fairly small in size. Therefore we will be closely monitoring the numbers of clients we allow in the store at any one time and it may be that we have to lock the door from time to time, so we would advise to maybe call ahead and we can advise accordingly.

Our alteration dept will be working as usual with a much smaller workforce and accepting all types of alterations as we would normally but out lead time of completing the work may take a little longer. Again, as mentioned before give us a call so we can advise accordingly.

We look forward to seeing you all again,


Dean & Chris


In House Alterations


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